7 Essential parenting tips for toddlers that you can’t Ignore

I believe that parenting is not about techniques but our philosophy of life in general. Parenting in this era is like more commitment than ever and instilling values in children.

More than children it is about our awareness, mindfulness, being conscious and sensitive human beings. It is also about the life lessons that we get on the way, becoming the most precious gift from our children.

So as parents, are we walking on the right path?


1.Right Things at the Right Time

Believe it or not, discipline in a child from a very young age is the key to lifetime achievements for him. They should know what time is and why it is so important, rather than complaining afterward that “my child wastes so much time.”

I have read it somewhere

If you defend your children misbehaviour, One day you will hire a lawyer to defend their crimes. Discipline is not child abuse.”

Just make it simple by using slang words, start using them when they are 7–8 months old by doing an action:Now you might say “Isn’t it too early ? No because these small learnings are not defined by age.


Time to sleep 

Time to wake-up

Time to Brush

Time for lunch

Time to play

Time for the screen (Yes, I have to add this will tell you later how you can restrict & even gain knowledge by right screening)

Trust me if you keep doing this by the age I mentioned, the time will come when the child between the ages between 1–3  

years old will be mastered in his daily routine. I have seen parents yelling at older children to brush, to bathe, etc. You don’t have to yell at them if you have worked hard at the right time, in the early age of children.

Let them know by themselves the value of time and the benefits of doing the right things at the right time. By doing this you are not only inculcating proper habits of daily routine but also they are learning the value of time which will help them in the long run in life.


2) You are parent & be their Parent, don’t try to become their friend

Yes, U have heard it right. You always need to act like a parent because at certain they are going to share things only with their friends and they will have a friend circle with whom they can share things that they can’t share with you . Look, it is very important to have an affectionate bond with your child. Now I will ask you one question.

As a parent what are our responsibilities? To give our children lunch, dinner, preparing their tiffins, their studies that’s it !!

No these are not responsibilities, this is just an everyday ritual with your child that you follow … .instead tell them every day that “I love you so much”, and tell them when you fall, we are the ones who are going through the same pain as you are. When they cry, tell them our hearts cry even louder, talk to them, not with purpose but just like that, and discuss any topic with them that they can understand and enjoy as well. Give your time because this time won’t come back again & remind you this is the best time to create a bond. So be their parents whom they know will always be their for them no matter what.

When they come from school don’t just jump to questions like “ Have you finished your tiffin” Instead ask them about their day, how much you played in school, did you help someone today, did you share your tiffin with your friend? These questions will not only inculcate values in them but will also teach them to share everything with you and believe me this will continue even when they grow up !! 




3) Make them Independent & decisive

I know “Independent” is a big word for these small children. Try to teach them through your own stories. Do you know what happened today, i made lime juice for myself & it was very tasty. I went for shopping & i selected this office clothes for myself, look at me, am I not looking smart?

Likewise ask them to choose their shoes, and own dress when you go out, let them decide whether to go to the park or the play zone, let them choose the toy to play with,  & let them decide which story they want to read or listen to or which show you would like to watch today. 

You can teach them by a simple story . Today one boy was shouting in a public place , what do you think is it good or bad ? What do you think how one should behave in public? These questions will bloom their thought process.

These small habits will give them a sense of independence, they will start doing things by themselves & will learn to make the right decisions in life.


Work towards Raising positive, happy and independent child rather than working towards their success

4) Best Period for children’s brain development

I don’t know whether most of you know this or not but from birth to age 7, a child’s brain develops more and more rapidly than at any other time in their life. So the quality of a child’s experiences in the first few years of his life, positive or negative will conclude the pattern in which their brain develops.

So feed everything positively, and try to create a positive atmosphere at home because learning begins at home. I can understand that sometimes certain things are not in our control but be prompt that your child should stay away from such situations. These are crucial years for a child’s development mentally & physically so keeping everything behind just keep in mind this thing.


5)Inculcating our culture and values

Introducing mythology books at an early age and telling them Ramayan, and Mahabharat in a story form & teaching them life lessons from Geeta will develop an interest in children to know more about our culture & tradition. Geeta is many centuries old, with logic and knowledge inherent in its every word making it a timeless guide. Geeta has solutions for every problem in your life.

Inculcating values of honesty, trustworthiness, truthfulness, kindness, and politeness are more important teachings of life than any chapter learned in school from science books. Tell them moral stories and make it a ritual at bedtime every day. Don’t forget your child does what you do so set the best example you can.


6)Encourage Outdoor games and activities

Just like you get bored sitting at home, your child gets bored too !! Let them explore the small world around them. Let them play with sand, let them fall, let them soak themselves in nature, let them play with cats, and dogs(keep watch course), let them sail paper boats in rainy waters. By doing this they will understand nature, choosing eco-friendly products & teach them the importance of preserving our planet.

Allow them to ride a bicycle every evening, and allow them to play with their friends every day. They will understand that making good relations outside and in the company of each other is important as well.

Playing outdoors not only improves them physically but will also develop their selfconfidence, self esteem and independence. They also become aware of limits, boundaries and challenge in their play.


7)No means No and Yes means Yes

Setting boundaries from starting is very essential. If you tell them No screening while eating then never make the mistake of breaking that rule otherwise they will start taking you for granted, and children nowadays know very well how to make their needs get fulfilled by their spouse. So beware of this.

If you say to them I will take you to the park after finishing homework then just take them. Never renege from your words. Remember you are their role models, set the best example of values, fundamentals, and happiness in front of them.


So these are my simple tips for all the parents out there which will help you to ease your parenting and meet your parenting goals.But let me tell you every child is different, every parent is different & so are the parenting styles, do what suits your child the best !! 

Do let me know in the comments whether you feel its useful for you. Do you agree with my thoughts? Your parenting thoughts are welcome !!


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